Thesis Supervision

If you have attended my courses (where I have teaching engagements), and would like to write Bachelor/Master thesis in the domain within/ relevant to my research interests, I am happy to supervise your work.

Since I need information to know if I am a suitable supervior for you, please prepare a short proposal (max.3 pages) answering the following questions, and attach it to your first email (re thesis supervision) to me:

  • What is provisional title of your work?

  • What is the problem you are adressing with your work? What are you aiming at?

  • What are your motivation for this topic? Please provide three reasons why you would like to pursue this topic (essentially your rationale for your work).

  • What is your research question(s)? Please provide one major and up to 3 minor research questions.

  • State-of-the-Art: to what extent you are aware of existing work in this field?

  • Research design and methodology: how you want to answer your research questions?

  • First results: Do you have any assumptions what your results might look like?

  • Structure of your thesis: Let me know about the intended structure of your thesis.